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Wing decoration

A revamped version of my original site. Upgrades! Now using Hugo as I was finding the idea of sitting writing raw html a little dreary at best. The idea of just doing markdown pages and submitting to build a site is appealing!

About me

I began learning to code in 2010, in and around a day job that needed. The languages were Visual Basic and SQL. Persistance and exploration meant, that despite starting approximately 15 years later than most programmers I’ve spoken with since, I managed to turn it into my day job since roughly 2014.

I’m not a terribly diligent Github contributor as most code is actually for my job. However, I intend to post gists, odd bits of exploration, stories and articles here.

The subjects will vary as I, like many coders, get cycles of different enthusiasms -often a bit short lived and intense. An article may come of this point in its own right.

Whilst I’m not an enthusiastic self-promoter, the way I’ve began my current and previous roles was to have some material online to at least show that I know one end of an IDE from another, and perhaps my SELECT from a WHERE. That’s a reasonable excuse to waffle on with a personal website perhaps.

As for the Aktaria starships - these are characters I created in 2015 and, for some reason, didn’t evict from my head. Consequently they don’t pay rent and they hang about. Expect a post on tulpas 1

There will be Google documents links and ordinary blog posts mixed here - I’ll tidy and refine over time. The focus will vary, but I have an active interest in AI and AI Ethics, so expect occasional rambles in this direction.

NB: Politics isn’t a prime interest for blogging about, so I’m likely to avoid the subject here.

Possible tags may include maths, AI, writing and rhetoric, programming and possibly boats.


  1. “Tulpae!”

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