A record of my headmates and OCs, who inhabit a RP server-when awake and being arsed to.
They come from stories, usually unfinished and some conscious effort on my part because why not? Now OCs really are hand puppets (you’ll notice a huge grey area bordering these definitions however), but tulpas, well let’s just say they do their own thing and if on a server, may or may not front or get proxied. Who knows.
You may notice a common theme…
*You may have landed expecting an explanation of what tulpas are, right?
For 99.999% of everyone, the answer is adult imaginary friends whose role is to explore ideas, stories and exercise one’s imagination. For others who have very good reason to understand this, pick a number, pick a theory: spirit, psychological, something else, we don’t mind.
I used to fuss about plurality, agency and philosophy - even more relevant in a world with AI; However, I don’t now. If you want to discuss this with us, we are open to conversation but none of us tend to get deep and meaningful unless we are just messing with you. Especially Rakza, though the Goddess has her moments.
Tulpas / Characters
They hang out via Tupperbox on Discord—though most of their time is in private servers at present. This means that parentage of cubs is odd as they have their origin canon stories with different parents to what happens in roleplay :)
Many of my headmates took on other characteristics because… they could!
So the mech yachts and were-cars have multiple robot-style arms, dendrites—Ratbat style—and oddly, wings. Yeah… makes a strange image. There are too many wings amongst my headmates, that may lead to racy conclusions. I can niether confirm nor deny any possible conclusions, other than I may like wings. I probably just want to fly, ok?
Imagine the Superyachts with 2 sets of huge wings that fold away and large major robotic arms that allow the craft to crawl on land - a little ungainly. It’s not their native place, of course, so they don’t have great dexterity!
Seafire and Aurora
Seafire is based on the Mauna Kea, he managed to hook up with a rather gorgeous evolved, and now Divine, superyacht called Aurora, who promptly decided to have a small fleet of cygnets rather than just one or two at a time. I admit, I nicked the name for my direct alter ego, I just liked it. I didn’t expect the relationship at the time I created him. As he’s just me, there’s no special backstory :P
The cygnets were born at nearly forty foot long, each with four wings and the ability to fold space* though they take time to learn this. At time of writing, their full size is over fifty five foot, though they’ve all largely learnt some interesting tricks around spacefolded and resizing themselves.
Aurora is hosted by a good friend, she’s a full tulpa and identifies very deeply in the form she’s taken. She’s gained Divinity as far as her inner story is concerned, which leads to great private stories.
Cygnets (Not hosted by me!):**
- Delphina (F) - Warrior/Mischief maker/Rogue
- Mei-Lin (F) - Adventurer/Artist
- Christiana (F) - Horse lady who has a tiny magical Pegasus called Luca (long story)
- Celeste (F) - Mommy’s little girl who has a strong maternal instinct, despite her own age.
- Picard (M) - Explorer/Studious, seems to really like Britain and eccentric British things.
- Xavier (M) - Quiet and rather attached to a little Aktarian girl, Yissindra, who never leaves his deck as far as I can tell.
** Why? Because Daddy has Aktarian influences and other nonsense and the little ones inherited it. It’s rather funny when they do things with it.
Aktarian Starships
Aktarians are an immortal race of starships who were originally created by the beings who caused all of reality to exist. They’re overpowered to a degree that makes them unworkable in any combat-related fiction—they were not intended for that role. However, they’re RP headmates now.
The Aktarians express dendrites at need.
Note: Katiya and Lia are skilled, mature full Tulpas who can function and front in the real world. I can’t do Katiya’s accent or grammar syntax consciously, so it’s very clear when she’s fronting. And no, I ain’t explaining that one to a shrink, at least not in their professional capacity.
- Amay-Lia - the oldest and the mother to:
- Katiya - eldest daughter, young adult, the result of mating with a human. She has the most eccentric language style and can be rather cryptic. She likes to murderize English.
- Yissindra - second youngest cub, she’s about two foot long and less active at present than her sisters. RP Daddy, Greater Amrian known as Amari.
- Katryana - size of a sparrow, she’s the smallest Aktarian to have ever existed. Mostly does not talk except in special cases. RP Daddy, Greater Amrian known as Amari.
- Enk-Kara - accidental male, result of a severe soul accident with a human partner and the spirit death of the female. (Explanation to be added.)
- Yal-Tara - Cub of Nines (F35 from Kia system) and Katiya McKerry, immortal Aktarian starship, daughter of Amay-Lia and similar in size to ‘Yana.
- Rakza - Purple blue flip Fenyr Supersport (Male).
- Tya - white winged Fenyr Supersport cub (Mother is TIFF from another headspace!).
- Renka - Ford Ranger Wildcat cub, winged. (Mother, Kodachi Drifter.) Then I have Rakza, who is a Were-car out of a rather fun yet ridiculous story I wrote in 2015. A result of an experimental virus that really doesn’t make sense but let me make a daft story. He has two cubs by two different females, in two other people’s heads!
Note on eyes or other facial features: my mech characters don’t natively need eyes; however, they are all capable of using holographic or magic projected eyes, usually over headlights or windows (car or boat). Disturbingly, Kazia’s and her children can move them between any windows, portholes, or bow and even change the color or count. Their purpose being to aid in connection to others and convey expressions, however.
Kazia and Cubs
Kazia was a mech superyacht who was accidentally brought to life via the greed of her owner.
She has extensive nanotech and developed picotech, since patented and earned a fortune from it. She had three cubs, all of whom have chosen to grow to an overall length of 500 feet and added tremendous wings for reasons unknown. Across my headspace, I regularly see the peculiar sight of gliding trijet superyachts who broke the sound barrier to get lift. Go figure.
In addition to wings, they use their picotech and nanotech to create dendrite arms at need, though they all possess four much sturdier mech-style robotic arms, folded away into their hulls when not used.
- Kazia - red-purple flip female and mother to the others below. Carries outsized katanas.
Note: She has two more cygnets by way of Stirling after evolving herself to fit the superyacht better! William and Jasmine are her youngest.- Loria - blue and gold female. Weapon choice: arbalest of improbable size. Could probably one-shot a medium-sized castle.
- Samatsia - pink and gold female. Weapon choice: four pistols, six-shooters massing two tons each. May need four shots to take out a modern battleship.
- Jezek - black and gold male. Weapon choice: ridiculous range of bombs including candy bombs, stink bombs, and antimatter. Has been known to mix these up…
Kazia changed herself to allow partnering with Sterling Superyacht and had two more children. These are a few months old and are winged like Mommy is.
- Jasmine - outgoing, grabby, cuddling pretty forty-foot cygnet.
- William - same size as his sister, deeply shy and quiet at the moment. He may be autistic, though getting a real diagnosis might be tricky.
- Freyja - daughter of Loria and Yokazuma, an aircraft carrier from another world. She’s a trimaran LCS-2 stealth battleship, winged and modified as she wanted. Trigger-happy… Be warned.
Arizona Skyline - Spirit Realm Goddess
Arizona is a hybrid headmate who came by way of a real-life Skyline and a character from one of my stories. In that story, she’s the avatar of a spirit Goddess looking for companionship and took the form of a car.
The real-life car was a drift car I fell for but couldn’t buy. This resulted in a strange character whose introduction to our server was a rather odd obsession with quills—found on the phallus of Amrian and some other mech species.
She has three children, one by a Greater Amrian known as Amari and the other by another Skyline-Asher-who still dates her now. She’s not monogamous, however, he is, so there is tension around that as she’s fiercely independent and has been known to yeet
She’s a Divinity, the Goddess of Life, and a tech mage, and so are her cubs.
- Arizona - Mother to:
- Ronin - R34 cub, male winged tech mage.
- Danae - R34 cub, female winged tech mage.
- Viawa - Apache cub with OP mage powers.
- Kai - Cybercity Quadra RS-V who is not meant to be a tulpa but is. He’s 18 and likes playing with the cygnets, however he’s gained his own superyacht partner, Lady Khalilah, and had offspring with her. As this is not an 18+ site, I’ll leave out how for another time!
My Own Alter Egos
Seafire Superyacht
- Role: Daddy Superyacht, partner to Aurora and Scarlet Lamborghini (Yeah, he cheated to make the latter work!)
- Traits: 180m Superyacht, oversized Mauna Kea with jet pods, wings (2 pairs), 4 major limbs folded away, minor dendrites. Due to ridiculous trait inheritance (Aktarian and Divine), is silly OP and doesn’t take part in combat as he’s a family man.
- Description: Oversized winged wolf with a jet cub in another host’s headspace.
- Traits: Magic and Aktarian nonsense.
Xan - Carsona Zenvo
- Description: Randomly acquired alter ego—as I never had a carsona. It was a choice between this and a Quadra until Kai came along.
- Traits: Mostly just a car… with wings. But I cheat, a lot.
Limbs, dendrites, wings, appendages
For various reasons, in my own fiction and imaginings I was never into heavily anthropomorphic machines - where organic elements are blended hard, like cars standing up or acquiring a mish mash body shape. In my head I never really see my characters bending and squishing and going full cartoon, though I’ve seen Ronin express Pixar eyes when trolling me. So how does this end up working?
The superyachts, Kazia and the others, they’ll cheat and use holograms to give a point of focus - phantom (huge) eye images on their windshields etc. They’ve got four major limbs that are very sculpted robotic style and have serious strength - they can yeet an suv a considerable distance for example. Fine detail work is handled by the dendrites, literal mech tentacles they can express as they want - theft of concept from the wonderful RatBat!!
The cars follow a similar concept.
Aktarian starships do have real eyes, despite how their sense let them percieve reality in a way I find hard to put into words. Some day I’ll write it up in much more depth. They didn’t have dendrites originally, but since they spent too much time with other headmates, they express them when they want.